Bridal Beauty Tips for a Radiant Winter Glow

Bridal Beauty Tips for a Radiant Winter Glow

Bridal Beauty Tips for a Radiant Winter Glow. Mobile Image

Jan 22, 2024

Starting a great skincare routine in the months leading up to your wedding is always a good idea, but it’s definitely important when you’re having a winter wedding! Although we adore a winter wedding for all the beauty it brings, they can also bring about drier weather that requires a little extra skincare TLC. Today, we’re bringing you our top tips for creating that radiant winter glow for your big day! 

Hydration is Key
Winter weather can be harsh on your skin, leading to dryness. Start your beauty regimen from the inside out by staying well-hydrated! Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moisturized, leaving it supple and ready to glow. We even recommend throwing in a few green smoothies here and there to get all the benefits of those antioxidants to make your skin really glow. 


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Skincare Routine
Invest in a good skincare routine tailored to your skin type. Moisturize daily to combat dryness and use a gentle chemical exfoliator once or twice to remove any dead skin cells (chemical exfoliants are much more gentle than physical scrubs!). Consider adding hydrating masks to your routine for that extra boost of radiance.


Photo by Kalos Skincare on Unsplash

Embrace Warm Tones
Winter weddings are the perfect occasion to embrace warm and rich tones in your makeup! Think berry-hued lipsticks, warm eyeshadows, and a touch of golden highlighter to enhance your natural glow. 


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Cozy Cover-ups
Don't let the chill put a damper on your bridal look. Opt for a stylish faux fur stole or a cozy shawl to keep warm while adding a touch of elegance to your ensemble. It's both practical and chic!


Photo by Jessica Hearn on Unsplash 


Hair Care
Cold weather can be tough on your locks. Treat your hair to some extra care with hydrating masks and deep conditioning treatments in the weeks leading up to your wedding. 


Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Stress-Free Zone
Last but certainly not least, try to keep stress at bay! Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but taking time for self-care is crucial. Treat yourself to a spa day, indulge in relaxing activities, and get plenty of rest to ensure you're glowing from the inside out.

At Paris House of Bridal, we're here to make your bridal journey seamless and enjoyable. If you're ready to bring your dream bridal look to life, book an appointment with us today! Our talented team is dedicated to making you feel absolutely stunning on your special day.